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Let's Walk
and Roll!

Customized guided neighbourhood tours using dialogue to bring people together to learn about risks, collaborate on actions, and connect with resources and initiatives in their community. 

Our team of facilitators will lead a group of neighbours on an imaginative tour to help them envision the aftermath of a natural disaster. With a script specifically crafted for the route, we will guide residents in picturing the landscape and its surroundings in the wake of a natural disaster, such as an earthquake or tsunami or severe weather events like heat waves, windstorms or flooding. Along the route, neighbours will identify key community assets and resources, and learn about ongoing initiatives in their neighbourhoods and cities that can help them better prepare for emergencies.  


Each event is two hours long and consists of the following components: 

Scripted Tour

45 minutes

Guide a group of up-to 25 neighbours through an accessible walking loop with multiple stops along the way. Each stop, from parks to sidewalks to businesses paints a vivid picture of a post-disaster scenario. Along the route, community leaders and business owners meet us to discuss ongoing resilience initiatives and answer any questions.


15 minutes

Upon returning to the starting point (usually a park or recreation centre) we provide refreshments and ensure there is a bathroom available. We also have a wheel set up for participants to spin and win resilient prizes.

Engagement Activity

45 minutes

Depending on the focus of our guided tour, we engage residents in a lively discussion that dives deeper into the topics covered on our walk. This activity often takes the form of asset mapping but can range anywhere from gardening to emergency kit building.

Questions & Socializing

15 minutes

Building strong neighbourly relationships is crucial for effective disaster preparedness. That's why we always allow time for participants to mingle and ask any remaining questions at the end of the event. This informal session provides an excellent opportunity for neighbours to exchange ideas and contact information, strengthening their connections and fostering a greater sense of community.

How we make 
it happen:

We meet with event partners to determine the most relevant topics for discussion and research the chosen topic in relation to the geography, demographics and characteristics of that neighbourhood. Through our expansive network of connections, we reach out to relevant initiatives local to that area and create a list of 2-4 representatives to speak at locations along the route.  

What does
it cost?

For widest reach, we recommend offering an event series that encourages participation from multiple neighbourhoods. We offer increasing discounts when planning multiple events with a minimum of 2 events and a maximum of 10. We understand how difficult it can be to fundraise and how important this work is; for some community groups, non-profits and grassroots neighbourhood initiatives we offer a portion of our work pro-bono.

Number of Walks
Price Per Walk
Total Cost

For assistance in fundraising, Neighbour Lab can support grant application processes.

Everyone can benefit from a Walk & Roll.

The Resilience Walk and Roll program can help build stronger and more resilient neighbourhoods! By fostering social connections, and promoting community-wide preparedness, this program can help ensure that communities are better equipped to handle any emergency, big or small. An investment in the Resilience Walk & Roll is an investment in community preparedness, social connection and community resilience! 

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