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Neighbour Hub Self-Guided Design Workshop

You are on your way to a more resilient and connected neighbourhood! 

When you finish this workshop, you will have a final design and complete installation instructions for a custom Neighbour Hub.


When your group is all together, scroll down to get started!

Start by answering some questions about your neighbourhood.

The aim today is to uncover the hidden gems of your neighbourhood, understand who lives here, explore the skills and resources that you and your neighbours have, and understand any potential barriers. Consider what makes your neighbourhood unique. This will help you and your neighbours design the perfect Neighbour Hub.


Discuss the following questions and record them in the boxes provided.

Next, understand what makes a great location.

TIP: We suggest spending some time mapping out your community assets and resources. You can do this by brainstorming as a group, and then lightly drawing a map of your community to pinpoint each asset or resource. This helps to visually map out where existing resources are located, and what gaps you hope to fill with your NeighbourHub. You can also use virtual mapping tools such as Google MyMaps



Though you may have already selected a potential location for your Neighbour Hub, the following prompts will help you determine what is important to keep in mind when finalizing a location.


The following choices are recommendations, select all that apply to your chosen location. If less than three we recommend considering alternative locations.

Level Ground

*Note that if your location currently has uneven ground you will need to do prep work to get the space ready before installing the Hub as pavement, concrete or asphalt work best.


* For more information on accessibility in public space visit the Making Space for Everyone Booklet from SPARKBC. 

Lastly, think about how you'd like to use the space.

This activity will help you design the shape of your Neighbour Hub. The shape will be influenced by the way your neighbourhood would like to interact with the Hub, and how much space you have.


For example, an area for sharing a meal will need a table and chairs, or an area to share information will need a bulletin board. 


Check in with each other about what you imagine for your Neighbour Hub. Choosing the functions of your public space is important to ensure it will not only be a great gathering spot, but also functional to the needs of you and your neighbours.

Discussing these ideas with your neighbours will help you in the next step, when you decide which features of a hub design are important for you and your community. 

Ideas for how to use your Neighbour Hub


  • Community Communications (Bulletin board, resources, services, announcements, poetry board, mutual aid support etc.)

  • Emergency Preparedness (Tsunami Zones, Muster Point, preparedness tips, emergency supplies storage etc.)

  • Placemaking Initiatives (Little libraries, murals, tool sharing, little pantries, games exchange etc.) 

Get the Neighbour Hub Build & Installation Guide

Once you've chosen a design, fill in your information and we'll send you a complete guide to construction and installation. It will also include all of your answers to the workshop questions so that you can refer to them. 

A base for your custom design.

These designs should act as a starting point for you to add your own flair and customize your unique design even further.

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How much space do you have for your Neighbour Hub?

If the location for your neighbour hub is is narrow we suggest you choose "A little Space." If space is not limited, click the other button. Either way you'll be provided  a list of curated designs to match your needs.


Designs for Small Spaces

Keep in mind, these design are made up of modular components and we encourage you and your neighbours to use them as just a starting point. On the next page you'll be able to get creative and make adjustments to your chosen design.

Chosen Your Design?

Write down the name of your favourite design and head to the next step.

CP workshop 2-6.jpg
CP workshop 2-4.jpg

Designs for Large Spaces

Keep in mind, these design are made up of modular components and we encourage you and your neighbours to use them as just a starting point. On the next page you'll be able to get creative and make adjustments to your chosen design.

Minimal Space
maximum Space
Show me how to build it
Design section

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Building thriving neighbourhoods comes with deepening our respect and awareness for the rich histories of the Indigenous peoples that have, and continue to steward these lands. We are grateful to work alongside communities to deepen our sense of belonging and stewardship within the communities we work.

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